Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Kenya Day 2

6 hours sleep saw me rise at 7 am (which is 4am in the UK). I dressed in Jacket and Tie as I was acting as assistant counsel in Nairobi High Court Anti-corruption Division that morning…you couldn’t have written it. However, I didn’t make it to the office until 10 am and missed the hearing – luckily it had been adjourned.

I was however offered a tour around the High Court buildings and met the Chief Justice – no big deal! Kenya is currently debating a revised constitution that is primarily opposed by most as it includes entrenched provisions concerning Islamic law. Although it may cause little consternation in the current climate, the future implications could be huge regarding the rise of Islam in a country which is roughly 90% Christian (albeit some being nominal).

God has been taking care of me and I can see it. I feel content after Day 2 and the mother of the family I am staying with says I am her son. The parents where very touched by the tea towel of the Giant’s Causeway and 4000 KSH (£32) I presented to them. I have been invited again if I ever make it back to Nairobi. I thank God for good health and good meals so far. Food was one of my biggest fears. Although in a few weeks I may be potentially cooking for myself (BIG Prayer Point).

I’ve been blown away by Nairobi and the standard of living here. There is no such thing as a footpath (bar the city centre) and drains by the side of the road are holes. I was under the impression that the city was very developed, yet everything in terms of finish and structure is sub standard for the UK. Welcome Stuart to the 3rd world. Yet after only a day of walking in the city I do feel that I’m getting used to how everything appears to be in disrepair, almost like a building site that will never be finished. I believe that our level of infrastructure would stun many of the people here. Anyway, I’ll get over it!

I felt a lot less self conscious today walking about in a suit because 50% of people in the CBD wear a suit and so I look much less like a tourist. Today it didn’t rain and wasn’t overly humid so wearing a suit was just about do-able.

We have been watching the God channel in the house during the evenings and I’ve noticed the prosperity Gospel is rife among teaching. Everything seems to focus on becoming wealthy and having more money with the eventual outcome of reaching immense happiness. The family, although clearly Godly, seem to subscribe to this doctrine and I’ve figured (for the time being) that this is only due to the amount of poverty which quite literally surrounds them. I have been advised to approach everything with a patient and open mind mainly as this is not my culture and I wish

not to become bitter about things I cannot change.

Still getting used to the currency, personal hygiene is facing an all time low and before I go to bed I will read my Bible and pray. 5 O’clock start and an 8-hour bus journey to Kisumu in the morning!

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